Fab Four
Title: Fab Four
Creator: T Rand
Region: Clinton
Date: 2012
Medium: acrylic paint
Technique: painting, spray painting
Artist T Rand is known for creating very large portraits of the "famous, infamous, and appallingly normal" (as he describes them). When a business owner in his home town of Clinton approached him with an idea for a mural of the Beatles, Rand thought it would be a great fit with his style.
For his portraits, Rand works in either a grid, block, or more traditional style. For this painting, he places each face within a grid, by deconstructing the face into a number of small squares. He believes that "to destroy a face is to appreciate what makes it so beautiful in the first place." This quality captures the dynamic, ever-changing aspect of the humanity represented. Rand has also taken the grid into three dimensions with other portraits. For those, he has not only painted on individual blocks, but has also arranged them into graduated layers.
In this portrait, the four faces are rendered in stark black and white, but contrast sharply against the vivid red and golden yellow background. As the owner of Tarat Studio on Utica Street in Clinton, Rand was pleased to have the opportunity to share his own work with the public, helping to promote the arts in general. He has simultaneously brightened up the West Park Row alley, with an opportunity to stop by and visit John, Paul, George, and Ringo.
Subject: Beatles, Public art, Mural painting and decoration
Rights: © T Rand 2012
(In Copyright, http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/)
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ID#: AO-00136
Location: 12 West Park Row, Clinton, in the alley